Volkswagen Financial Services
—– colourful — detailed — delicious —–


On the third weekend in Janu­ary, VW Finan­cial Ser­vices AG tra­di­tio­nal­ly holds its New Year’s recep­ti­on in Braun­schweig. Around the cor­ner from us, so to speak. On Sun­day mor­ning, the region’s top names gather the­re to wel­co­me the new year.


VW Finan­cial

Ser­vices AG


Events &



1,600 sqm




VW Finan­cial

Ser­vices AG


Every year a new mot­to, every year a new idea. That’s our thing. We take the guests on a culina­ry jour­ney. Our enti­re team works hard on the con­cept and its implementation.

Our actions

Be crea­ti­ve, put cra­zy ide­as into action, sup­p­ly, build or repur­po­se any type of equip­ment. Chall­enge accepted!

Count­less gra­phic ide­as are laid out, for­mat­ted and produced.

On request, crown corks are trans­for­med into mobi­les. We paint, glue and foil.

Deco­ra­te, design, create.

It will be colorful and colorful.

We imple­ment all of this in one weekend. And on Mon­day mor­ning, ever­y­thing is back to nor­mal in the Con­fe­rence and Finan­ce Center.

What else?