—– smart — lively — international —–

VW commercial vehicles

Every year, the CARAVAN SALON makes Düs­sel­dorf the inter­na­tio­nal capi­tal of mobi­le leisure.

This year, we are once again accom­pany­ing our cus­to­mer Volks­wa­gen Com­mer­cial Vehic­les to the world’s lea­ding trade fair for mobi­le travel.

A lively con­cept, smart down to the last detail, with
many reusable mate­ri­als deli­vers the per­fect appearance.

Loca­ti­on: Cara­van Salon, Düsseldorf

Per­for­mance: Exhi­bi­ti­on stand construction

Size: 765 sqm

Year: 2023

Con­cept: The Y Ltd
