We build ideas

We could wri­te here how long we have been in busi­ness. But we don’t. What we do, we do with smooth pro­ces­ses. So that ever­y­thing is on time, just like you thought.

No stress — just good work.

Why we would work with us

01. flow

We rely on each other. And that works so well that tog­e­ther we have deve­lo­ped a flow that is good for us and our projects.

02. qua­li­ty

We have known our sup­pli­ers and their mate­ri­als for deca­des. We sup­port the regi­on and main­tain our and your quality.

03. craft­sman­ship

We work with our hands and they are con­trol­led by our heads and teams. The craft needs dedi­ca­ti­on and accu­ra­cy, then it beco­mes art.

04. expe­ri­ence

Expe­ri­ence is a value that ever­yo­ne has. More or less. It’s the mix that makes it. We are young and old. Expe­ri­ence only brings some­thing if it is pas­sed on.





0 sqm


0 sqm


Nice. Standing strong.


Rea­li­ze the future


We build ide­as, dreams
and ide­as.
In addi­ti­on, we plan, deli­ver
and we assem­ble
for the future.


full ser­vice


From con­cep­ti­on, plan­ning and hand­craf­ted pro­duc­tion to logi­stics and completion.




Many years of expe­ri­ence, clo­se trans­pa­rent coope­ra­ti­on and our very pre­cise and clean approach for the hig­hest quality.

We are strong.
Especially in our projects.

Our claim

As a medi­um-sized com­pa­ny, we want to com­bi­ne eco­no­mic suc­cess with respon­si­bi­li­ty for our employees and the envi­ron­ment. All our resour­ces and cor­po­ra­te stra­te­gies are geared towards this. 

The world is changing. So are we.

Our under­stan­ding of cir­cu­lar economy

In our com­pa­ny, respon­si­bi­li­ty beg­ins with the plan­ning of all pro­jects. Alre­a­dy in the run-up we pay atten­ti­on to the opti­mal use of all means such as mate­ri­al, ener­gy and logi­stics. And of cour­se we save the chips and wood off­cuts to use for hea­ting. In this way, vir­tual­ly not­hing is lost in the cycle.

When purcha­sing mate­ri­als, we also pay atten­ti­on to reusa­bi­li­ty that is as ver­sa­ti­le as pos­si­ble and also easy on your bud­get. We recom­mend you to use reusable sys­tems ins­tead of cul­ti­vat­ing a hop and go culture.


Inno­va­ti­ve exhi­bi­ti­on sys­tems that achie­ve gre­at results with fabrics are just as much a part of this as flo­or coverings.

The­se may well con­sist of 100% recy­cled mate­ri­als: PET bot­t­les, poly­es­ter or fishing nets fished from the sea.

We can use flo­ors that are laid in such a way that they can be used for seve­ral events. Ever­y­thing accor­ding to your wis­hes. Of cour­se, we also pro­du­ce indi­vi­du­al one-off pie­ces for you.

Thanks to our lar­ge warehouse and the logi­stics spe­cia­lists working the­re, we are in the for­t­u­na­te posi­ti­on of being able to plan and car­ry out all ope­ra­ti­ons our­sel­ves. Over the next few years, we will gra­du­al­ly con­vert our own vehic­le fleet to elec­tric mobility.

We celebrate our customers

Abo­ve all for diver­si­ty of ide­as, working at eye level and years of trust.

Beco­me a part of our network