—– purposeful — forward-looking — tangible —–

Volkswagen AG

On our Way to Zero — The mis­si­on is clear.

We are accom­pany­ing Volks­wa­gen on the road to green zero, and at the Volks­wa­gen Group Forum in Ber­lin we are hel­ping to ensu­re that the mes­sa­ge of the uns­wer­ving path towards CO2-neu­tral mobi­li­ty. Here, we sup­p­ly plat­form sur­faces with a light edge and ensu­re that a wide varie­ty of exhi­bits can be inte­gra­ted to fit pre­cis­e­ly. LED clad­ding, room divi­ders made of glass and light walls as well as ban­ners and diver­se gra­phic ele­ments are built.

Loca­ti­on: DRIVE, Berlin

Per­for­mance: Showroom

Size: 1,300 sqm

Year: 2021

Con­cept: jan­gled ner­ves gmbh
