—– persistent — clean — stable —–

Volkswagen AG

In order to pro­vi­de the public with addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on on vehic­les, dis­plays are nee­ded that visi­tors can ope­ra­te inter­ac­tively via an iPad.

A vacu­um press brings the indi­vi­du­al parts made of mine­ral pla­s­tic into shape. The stands have seve­ral hid­den func­tions, such as a bat­tery pack, as well as an invi­si­ble anti-theft device for the tablet.

Loca­ti­on: various exhi­bi­ti­on spaces

Per­for­mance: Exhibits

Art: Vehic­le display

Year: 2021

Con­cept: mae­de­bach
