—– compact — clever — individual —–

VW commercial vehicles

Every year, our cus­to­mer Volks­wa­gen Com­mer­cial Vehic­les remains loy­al to the Cara­van Salon!

At the world’s lar­gest trade fair for motor­ho­mes and cara­vans, we give our all, as always, for a fine and indi­vi­du­al booth.

A sus­tainable con­cept per­fect­ly rea­li­zed from volkswagen’s own fun­dus mate­ri­al with a redu­ced share of consumables.

Loca­ti­on: Cara­van Salon, Düsseldorf

Per­for­mance: Trade fair & exhi­bi­ti­on construction

Size: 765 sqm

Year: 2022

Con­cept: cebra GmbH
