Opti­miza­ti­on. Qua­li­ty. Cost saving.


Process optimization

We sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly impro­ve
our pro­ce­du­res.

Quality assurance

We live qua­li­ty manage­ment at Mae­de­bach to 100 %.


Our esti­mat­ing depart­ment has been clo­sed. Everybody’s doing the math. 

Procurement means
more for us!

“Nowa­days, the pro­cu­re­ment pro­cess within a com­pa­ny means much more than just purcha­sing. We have pla­ced our focus on the opti­miza­ti­on of pro­ces­ses so that we can work out cost advan­ta­ges for you.

We com­bi­ne this with our pro­ject manage­ment and coor­di­na­ted pro­ces­ses in pro­duc­tion. And most important­ly: every bud­get is trea­ted equally.

Becau­se a euro is a euro.”

Andrea Eilert, Shareholder

We are faster  than others.

“I’m a bit of an older vin­ta­ge. Back then, the­re were no auto­ma­ted pro­ces­ses. So I have a direct com­pa­ri­son and can say: We save time in production.”

Jür­gen Rey­ers, mas­ter carpenter

What exactly did we come up with?

We have con­ti­nuous­ly inves­ted in our pro­duc­tion. A big step towards digi­ta­liza­ti­on was the imple­men­ta­ti­on of our pla­te sto­rage sys­tem Bargs­tet TLF 411 with 39 pla­te posi­ti­ons á 100 plates.

We have con­nec­ted this to our hori­zon­tal divi­ding line Homag HPP 350 with a cut­ting length of 4100 mm.

This is now stan­dard. But our panel sto­rage is addi­tio­nal­ly also con­nec­ted to our nes­t­ing CNC Weeke Van­ta­ge 200 mil­ling machine.

That, in turn, is uni­que in Ger­ma­ny. But then, so are we. So it fits!

Inte­res­ted in get­ting the­re fast?