Strong basis for many constructions

Locksmith’s shop

Our tools work relia­bly and do exact­ly what they are sup­po­sed to do: metals into shape. 


Tools with gre­at effect

steel, alu­mi­ni­um or com­po­si­tes, depen­ding on the appli­ca­ti­on we choo­se the optimum. 


Pre­cis­i­on meets quality

A per­fect weld seam does not come about by chan­ce. That’s all the­re is to it. 


A plea for passion

Mission size? Tons.



shi­ne and glory

heavy metal


300 years of con­cen­tra­ted know-how in the team of the Hea­vy Metal depart­ment have to date the most deman­ding tasks with fly­ing colours.


Steel, alu­mi­ni­um or com­po­si­tes: our metal­wor­kers use their know­ledge of mate­ri­als and pro­ces­sing to find the best solu­ti­on for every requirement.


Even more than wood, metals requi­re the hig­hest con­cen­tra­ti­on, opti­mal work pre­pa­ra­ti­on, meti­cu­lous deli­very and a ste­ady hand in hand­ling tools and machines.


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